OPEN TUESDAY – SATURDAY 10.00am to 3.00pm (BANK HOLIDAY MONDAYS 10.00am to 3.00pm)

The Spontaneous Cuppa

Good food for everyone

People with allergies, intolerances (especially to gluten) or dietary restrictions deserve to be able to choose to go out and enjoy eating and drinking whenever they like, pay the same prices as everyone else, trust that what they consume won’t make them ill, and the environment they consume it in is a safe space. This is why “The Spontaneous Cuppa” brand exists and why our ambition to make and serve “Good food for everyone” sits at the heart of everything we do.

Our mission:

The Spontaneous Cuppa business is built on respect for people living with allergies and those who make lifestyle choices about what they eat. People particularly living with an allergy or intolerance to gluten can’t be spontaneous when eating out.

At The Spontaneous Cuppa, we want to change that!

Our commitment to Coeliacs and our accreditation by Coeliac UK

“Spontaneous Cuppa is committed to providing safe gluten free food and has processes and training in place to ensure the requirements of Coeliac UK’s Gluten free Standard are met. All employees are provided with the information, training, and tools necessary to prepare gluten free dishes. Employees comply with all company food safety policies and procedures and Management assume the role of supervision of our employees for compliance and conformance with these policies.”

People with allergies and intolerances shouldn’t have to pay more

Being charged more for an alternative option is something people with allergies and intolerances have had to bear. We want to change that.

  • The Spontaneous Cuppa believes that quality and value for money, at no extra cost to the customer, is possible when serving food and beverages that cater to people with allergies and intolerances.
  • Although ingredients we use are often more expensive, we will do our best to never make our customers pay more. For example, if you request an alternative milk option in your hot beverage you will get it with no extra charge.
  • Because we are 100% gluten free, we do not need to prepare your food in a separate location, you benefit because we don’t need to put resources into providing separate packaging for our products.

Why you can trust us

If you have any allergies, intolerances, or dietary restrictions, you will know how difficult it can be to feel safe when you are drinking or eating in an environment that’s outside the safety of your own home. We want to change that.

  • The Spontaneous Cuppa is 100% Gluten Free; and we have a zero tolerance to any gluten being brought onto our premises.
  • Our dishes are not just gluten free, they are all 100% dairy free as well, and on top of this most of our dishes are also soy free.
  • We have a policy to ensure we handle nuts responsibly. On our premises we have a “nut free” coffee machine, as well as a separate machine that we use for alternative milk options. However, we do not claim to be “nut free” as nuts do serve as an important alternative to gluten, and they are often included in our dishes which are prepared on site. If you have a nut allergy please inform a member of staff.